RNC night 1: The Trump Hotel D.C. viewing guide
Eleven of 17 featured speakers Monday have helped the president profit from his D.C. hotel
In a press release issued Sunday, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. announced the speakers for the 2020 Republican National Convention. Of the 17 people slated to address delegates and viewers on Monday, 11 of them have helped Trump profit from his D.C. hotel.
Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) campaign has spent $712.30 at the Trump Hotel D.C. Scott also has been spotted at the business.

House GOP Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) campaign has spent $3,746.20 at the Trump Hotel D.C. He’s also been spotted at the business and was the featured speaker there for a fossil fuel industry trade group’s gathering in 2018.

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) campaign has spent $2,873.75 at all Trump properties, including $2,001 at the Trump Hotel D.C. Gaetz has been a regular presence at that business. For example, he participated in a panel hosted by Judicial Watch in 2019, hung out with members of the Seasonal Employment Alliance in February 2019 when they were in town to lobby for an increase in the number of visas for temporary foreign workers, posed with noted Islamophobe (and now GOP candidate for a U.S. House seat in Florida) Laura Loomer after CPAC in 2020, attended Charlie Kirk’s March 2020 book party, and held court in the lobby while in the president’s doghouse this January. He also defended T-Mobile’s patronage of the Trump Hotel D.C. during a Judiciary subcommittee hearing in March 2019. The trailer of HBO’s documentary “The Swamp” shows Gaetz enjoying a warm, familiar welcome from the top manager of hotel.
Additionally, Gaetz headlined and promoted an event at Mar-a-Lago in February 2019, plugged the president’s club again in February 2020, and addressed a conference at Doral in October 2019.

Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R–OH) campaign has spent $22,459.68 at the Trump Hotel D.C. Jordan, the ranking member of the House Oversight committee, held a fundraiser at the business in June 2019, criticized a General Services Administration inspector general’s report that questioned the agency’s handling of the hotel’s lease, let Capital One know he was concerned about his colleagues’ request for Trump Organization financial documents, came to the hotel’s defense during a hearing on D.C. statehood, and has been seen at the hotel on other occasions.
Also, a political action committee paid the Trump Hotel Chicago almost $4,000 to host a lunch Jordan headlined.

Former ambassador Nikki Haley is one of just eight of the 35 different officials who have served in President Trump’s cabinet not to have been spotted at the Trump Hotel D.C.
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel heads an organization that has spent $2,117,229.81 at all Trump properties, including $641,315.30 at the Trump Hotel D.C. McDaniel has attended the RNC’s events at the president’s businesses, as well as some that other GOP campaign apparatuses paid for.

Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones (D) was at the Trump Hotel D.C. in August 2020 to attend the Freedom Summit. That gathering was sponsored by The Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty, a Liberty University-affiliated group with “the purpose of educating, inspiring, and mobilizing Christians in the battle to preserve American liberty.” Jones also visited the Oval Office while in town.

A nurse from West Virginia, Amy Johnson Ford has not been spotted at any of the president’s businesses.
Trump Victory Finance Committee National Chair Kimberly Guilfoyle heads an organization that has spent $2,092,167.69 at all Trump properties, including $253,591.45 at the Trump Hotel D.C. Among her many visits to the president’s businesses, Guilfoyle has attended Trump Victory’s events, as well as ones other GOP campaign apparatuses paid for. Guilfoyle’s boyfriend, Donald Trump Jr., owns 7.425 percent of the hotel. His sister Ivanka owns an equal share and has reported $11.7 million in revenue from that business in 2017 through 2019
Additionally, in March 2020, Mar-a-Lago hosted Guilfoyle’s $50,000 birthday party, as Kenneth P. Vogel, Steve Eder and Nicholas Confessore reported for The New York Times.

A member of the Trump campaign’s advisory board, Natalie Harp was spotted at the Trump Hotel D.C. in December 2019 and used that visit to plug the president’s businesses.

The founder and president of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk heads an organization that has hosted events at the Trump Hotel D.C. as well as other Trump properties. Examples include its 2019 Liberty Gala and $2,500-a-person dinners at Mar-a-Lago in 2018 and 2019. Kirk’s March 2020 book party was at the Trump Hotel D.C., and he’s been spotted there many other times.

The GOP nominee for a U.S. House seat in Maryland, Kim Klacik was spotted at the Trump Hotel D.C. last week.

St. Louis homeowners and firearms enthusiasts Mark and Patricia McCloskey have not been spotted at any of the president’s businesses.
The campaign for a GOP nominee for a U.S. House seat in Pennsylvania, Sean Parnell has not reported any expenditures at Trump properties, nor has he been spotted at any of the president’s businesses.
The father of a Parkland school shooting victim, Andrew Pollack has not been spotted at any of the president’s businesses (although his son Brian has attended a monthly lobbyist happy hour at the Trump Hotel D.C.)
Trump Organization EVP and son of the president Donald Trump Jr. owns 7.425 percent of the hotel. His sister Ivanka owns an equal share and has reported $11.7 million in revenue from that business in 2017 through 2019. Don Jr. is also a regular presence there, including as a headliner for his paying customers and mingling with guests.

A coffeeshop owner from Montana, Tanya Weinreis not been spotted at any of the president’s businesses.
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