Trump course nabs president's business from other Trump course
Trump scratched weekend plans to visit one of his New Jersey courses and instead golfed at his Virginia club. Twice.
President Donald J.Trump golfed at his Sterling, Virginia course both days this past weekend, after tweeting Friday that he’d nixed a planned visit to his Bedminster, N.J. club “to stay in Washington, D.C. to make sure LAW & ORDER is enforced.”
(It’s unclear what turmoil his course was experiencing, but it probably was antifa’s fault.)
The president, however, does appear to have worked while at his course: on Sunday, when the White House Press Pool reported Trump was at his club, his Twitter account deleted an earlier post that thanked supporters, one of whom yelled “white power” in an attached video.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) accompanied the president on Sunday. According to government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, as of August 2019 Graham made more visits than any other member of Congress to Trump properties since their owner’s election.
As U.S. coronavirus cases top 2.5 million, many Trump businesses reopen
Daily confirmed new cases of COVID-19 are increasing in the United States. And so far more than 2.5 million cases have been diagnosed in this country with deaths from COVID-19 topping 125,000 according to Johns Hopkins University.
Meanwhile, Trump properties across the United States and in three other countries recently have announced reopenings:
The Trump Hotel D.C.’s lobby bar reopened on June 22.
Sushi Nakazawa, the one-Michelin star restaurant that operates in the hotel’s basement and is accessible only by the back door, reopens July 1.
Trump Chicago has reopened its pool, fitness club, and locker rooms (but not the saunas), while the spa resumes services on July 3. Its restaurant also has reopened for indoor and outdoor dining.
Trump Doral reopened on June 18, with its spa resuming services on June 26.
Trump Ferry Point reopened June 22.
Trump Philadelphia will reopen its dining facilities this week.
Trump Aberdeen’s clubhouse shop reopened Monday.
Trump Doonbeg will reopen July 15, including its “bars, restaurants, public areas, and leisure facilities.”
Trump Turnberry is set to reopen July 15.
Trump Vancouver’s Chinese fine-dining restaurant resumed full dinner service on Wednesday.

‘When the wind comes right behind the rain’: A second Oklahoma business group has booked the Trump Hotel D.C. for its lobbying fly-in
The State Chamber of Oklahoma has an exciting new headquarters for its D.C. fly-in in September: the Trump Hotel D.C.

The chamber is one of two pro-business organizations from Oklahoma holding its annual D.C. fly-in at the president’s D.C. hotel: the Oklahoma Bankers Association is slated to check in there nine days after the chamber checks out.
Per its webpage, the chamber is “Oklahoma’s business advocate.” And while its fly-in’s agenda is not yet available, according to the group [bold added], “Attendees will meet with influential lawmakers and national association leaders affecting policy now, as well as hear from Oklahoma’s Congressional delegation, federal agencies and issue experts directly.”
Fly-in attendance costs $400 to $600, with rooms at the president’s hotel running an additional $349. The sold-out 2019 fly-in was held at the Hotel Monaco and had an impressive list of corporate sponsors.
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Notable sightings
A glimpse of the foreign officials, government employees, politicians, lobbyists, and the like who patronize or appear at Trump businesses. Most people shown here have reasons to want to influence the Trump administration, rely on its good graces for their livelihoods, or should be providing oversight. Additionally, high-profile guests serve as draws for paying customers.
Former acting Director of National Intelligence and U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell was at the Trump Hotel D.C. in a photo posted over the weekend. Grenell is such a good customer of the president’s businesses that he’s a rare Trump Card gold member, reported Shane Harris, Anne Gearan, and Jose Dawsey for The Washington Post in February.

David Tian Wang is a GOP donor who appears to be an unregistered agent working on behalf of China, Brian Spegele reported last week for The Wall Street Journal. Wang attended a $30,000 a person 2018 fundraiser for the president at his D.C. hotel, according to a post on Weibo at the time.

Lobbyist Will Watson—clients come from the “maritime, energy, medical, bio-pharmaceutical, agriculture (including hemp), mining and minerals and other industries”—saddled up to the president’s bar.

Other Trump Organization news
“Eric Trump steers family empire under father’s close watch” by Brian Spegele and Rebecca Ballhaus for The Wall Street Journal
“Trump golf club asks Palm Beach County for rent relief” by Christine Stapleton for The Palm Beach Post
“Trump’s [2019] ‘Salute to America’ cost double the usual for Fourth of July, GAO says” by Fredrick Kunkle for The Washington Post. As 1100 Pennsylvania reported last year, rates for a guest room in the Trump Hotel D.C. over that holiday, which required a three-night minimum, started at a whopping $1,151 per night.
“Trump could face massive tax bill with proposed sale of office towers” by Rich Bockmann for The Real Deal
“As the virus surges in South Florida, a Trump resort joins the rush to reopen” by Eric Lipton, Neil Reisner, Steven Eder and Ben Protess for The New York Times
On July 19, Trump nominated SEC Chair Jay Clayton to be the next U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Clayton golfed with Trump at the president’s Bedminster, N.J. course just the week before, reported Matthew Goldstein and Ben Protess for The New York Times. That visit was at least Clayton’s second to the business, having golfed with the president and posed with a financial-services lobbyist there in July 2019, as 1100 Pennsylvania reported at the time.
White House staffer and Trump Org EVP on a leave of absence, Ivanka Trump, promoted a new government push for skills-based hiring.
On June 14, 1100 Pennsylvania reported the Trump Organization’s online store was selling $20 American flag-themed face masks. The price has since been raised to $22. (And a cheaper $10 option is no longer available.)
Reference section
Links to rundowns of developments in the House’s investigations and lawsuits, reference sheets for some of 1100 Pennsylvania’s previous reporting, and articles that provide the background on why all of this matters. The date published or last updated is in parentheses.
House investigations (May 15, 2020)
Lawsuits (June 25, 2020)
Breakdown of judges’ rulings by political party of presidents who nominated them (May 14, 2020)
Health inspections (Jan. 27, 2020)
COVID-19 bailouts and charity (June 29, 2020)
Notable hotel customers
Foreign governments with representatives spotted at the Trump Hotel D.C.: 31 (March 4, 2020)
Trump cabinet members spotted at the Trump Hotel D.C.: 26 of 34 (April 15, 2020)
U.S. Senators who’ve supported the Trump Hotel D.C.: 33 of 53 Republicans, one Democrat (Feb. 21, 2020)
House Judiciary members who’ve supported the Trump Hotel D.C.: Seven of 17 Republicans, no Democrats (April 21, 2020)
House Intelligence members who’ve supported the Trump Hotel D.C.: Four of eight Republicans, no Democrats (June 1, 2020)
House Oversight members who’ve supported the Trump Hotel D.C.: Six of 17 Republicans, no Democrats (April 21, 2020)
House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management who’ve supported the Trump Hotel D.C.: Four out of five Republicans, one Democrat (April 21, 2020)
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R–CA) found Trump’s hotels competitive only after Trump’s election (Sept. 12, 2019)
Rudy Giuliani at the Trump Hotel D.C: A retrospective (April 30, 2019)
25 unimpeachable examples of Trump profiting from his hotel: Foreign governments, Trump administration, GOP lawmakers, industry all have called on the Trump Hotel D.C. since its owner became president (Sept. 27, 2019)
“Power tripping in the swamp: How Trump’s D.C. hotel swallowed Washington
The MAGA social scene is a movable feast, but its dark heart resides within the Old Post Office Building, where the Trump Org operates under a mercenary charter” by your correspondent for Vanity Fair (October 2019)“Inside the world’s most controversial hotel: The hotel that was expected to take its place among the crown jewels of D.C.’s travel scene has become a magnet for protestors, a West Wing Annex, and—possibly—the center of a constitutional crisis.” by your correspondent for Condé Nast Traveler (May 2018)
27 times Trump’s promoted his businesses on Twitter while president (May 12, 2020)
Upcoming key dates
Sept. 23, 2019—House Judiciary Committee hearing “Presidential corruption: Emoluments and profiting off the presidency” (postponed, not yet rescheduled)
June or July 2020—Before postponement of oral arguments due to a coronavirus-related closure, Supreme Court decision due on Trump’s appeal of earlier rulings requiring his financial institutions to comply with subpoenas from House Financial Services, Intelligence, and Oversight
July 8, 2020—Deadline for the Departments of State and Homeland Security to respond to The Washington Post’s lawsuit alleging the departments have failed to share records responsive to Freedom of Information Act requests seeking information on government spending at Trump properties
Aug. 10, 2020—Scheduling conference before D.C. Superior Court in D.C. attorney general’s lawsuit alleging improperly spent nonprofit funds by the Trump Hotel D.C. and Trump’s inaugural committee
Oct. 29, 2020—Mediation session in at least a one-time Trump appointee in the Commerce Department’s lawsuit against the Trump Hotel D.C., alleging a shard of glass from a sabered bottle of champagne left a gash in her chin
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