What is 1100 Pennsylvania?

From December 2018 to June 2021, 1100 Pennsylvania reported on the Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. and other Trump businesses—especially who paid them and what these people wanted—or got—in return.

Update Nov. 6, 2024: He’s back, we’re back. Stay tuned for details.

The hotel’s address was 1100 Pennsylvania Ave NW, hence this newsletter’s name.

1100 Pennsylvania believes the best way to tell the story of Trump’s conflicts is to report on them every day. Consider it the pointillist style of journalism—thousands of data points collected over years form the narrative.

Who are you anyway?

Zach Everson. For about 13 years I was a travel and food journalist, contributing to outlets including Gawker Media, Eater, and Lonely Planet.

I started reporting on the Trump Hotel D.C. for Fox News right before it opened. Shortly thereafter I pitched my editor at Condé Nast Traveler a feature on the hotel that would go beyond just looking at it from a travel perspective, but also report out its legal and ethical issues from the vantage point of a weekend stay there. At 5,500 or so words, Inside the World’s Most Controversial Hotel provides an-depth look at what’s up with the hotel. That article won the 2019 Society of American Travel Writers Foundation’s Lowell Thomas Award for best investigative reporting.

I stayed on the beat.

1100 Pennsylvania stopped publishing new issues shortly after I joined Forbes as a staff writer reporting on money and politics in May 2021.

Here’s a TV appearance, if you want to put a face to the reporting:

What if I have other questions or a tip?

Get in touch!

Suggested reading: “Here’s how to share sensitive leaks with the press” by the Freedom of the Press Foundation

Email: z_everson@protonmail.com (encrypted if you also use a ProtonMail account, which is free)
Mobile/Signal: 202.804.2744
Mailing address: c/O Opt-Out Media, 5237 River Road #289, Bethesda, MD 20816
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"The undisputed expert on the D.C. Trump Hotel," – David Fahrenthold of the Washington Post. "Ballsy," – Michael Cohen.


Zach Everson is a Washington, DC-based staff writer at Forbes, reporting on money and politics. He's written about Donald Trump's legal problems and businesses, an ethics investigation into Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and why Cornel West is broke.